Saturday, January 9, 2010

Things we miss

My father-in-law sent me this photo this morning. It's the sun setting in Aruba. We had booked our flights and hotel for the same trip but had to cancel once we learned R was accepted at Erasmus University. The MBA program started the week of Josh's wedding.

Josh was R's best friend growing up, he lived just down the street from R's family and the entire families are friends w each other. We get to see them every Thanksgiving. Josh was R's best man at our wedding and Tracy keeps me entertained at the beach house whenever the boys get together to work on their album. You can imagine how upset R was when he realized he had to cancel attending the wedding. We hope we got to make up for it somewhat when we celebrated with them a little just before we left for Europe.

R has pretty much lived in the same area most his life (never further than about 300 miles) so this is all new to him. Me, I've lived all over, as have my friends, so I've missed quite a bit of the good and the bad over the years. It never gets easier.

So today is Josh and Tracy's wedding day. We wish them all the best and send them loads of love. We're here for support and to cheer you on, no matter how far we get. Always!



  1. That was very sweet and heart felt. Here's to Tracy and Josh!!

  2. Love you guys! Hope all is well in Rotterdam. - Josh and Tracy
