Monday, February 8, 2010

Detour: and now for a real mountain

I've been on a brief hiatus thanks to a little trip I took to visit the fam in Austria. I was there for over a week and returned to Rotterdam two days ago. When I left Rotterdam had no snow but Austria had tons of it. So, while here I was able to do one of my favorite things ever, mountain sledding! (a(sometimes)ka drunk sledding)

This is something I highly recommend to all of you.

Here's how to do it:
1. Find a mountain with loads of snow.
2. Carefully select sledding companions. I took along little brother (for comic relief to get oneself up mountain) and brother's lady friend (also fun but more importantly, easy competition...smoker girl was already out of breath within first 5 steps uphill)
2. Hike up mountain for about an hour (or if offered jump on a horse-drawn hay buggy)
3. Rest in charming little rustic hut on top of mountain. Eat some local Austro-grub and warm up with some Glühwein (mulled wine), Schnapps or other beverage of choice.
4. Try to understand what drunk local mountain guy is saying in v heavy Austrian dialect.
5. Choose not to stay for second round after realize man mentioned in #4 is giving marriage proposal and is trying to get little brother to tell him exactly which house in local neighborhood you live in.
6. Rent a sled for 2 Euro.
7. Assume your position. I chose head first, way quicker and way more fun.
8. Sled down mountain, racing sledding companions (this is the best part). Aim for the guy from Jersey walking down mountain. Jersey guy will not know what your screams of "Achtung" mean. Jersey guy will jump out of way in last second, keeping his legs.
9. If available, stop at the snow bar at the bottom of the mountain and have another cup o Glühwein. (only available at my mountain of choice on Saturdays, so no Gwein for us)
10. Leave rented sled at bottom of hill and go home. (this is the sad part)

For number one I chose the Hochsteinalm. It is just a 10-15 minute walk from my parents house and one of my favorite stops while in Austria, be it summer or winter. Walk up is an easy hour. Views are gorgeous and it has a cozy hut at the top, serving great Austrian food and drink.

Enjoy the corresponding slideshow!


  1. haha love this. however..i learned the other night not to go head first...a freezing face full of snow made the way down a little rough.

  2. I heard you all had a ton of snow, isn't sledding the best! sadly all of Holland is way flat so I think that was the last of my sledding for the year :(

  3. was a good day. forgot to mention though that u should also drag the family sled all the way to the top only to realize it doesnt work.

  4. I haven't been sledding in years... looks like lots of fun!
