Friday, February 19, 2010

Sven, are you stupid?

This week I've been smuggly walking around Rotterdam, loving this cozy little city and very happy with what the Netherlands has to offer to me. But last night we had a little fight, and I'm still fuming.

Sven Kramer is supposedly one of the most famous athletes in the Netherlands. You have probably never heard of him until now or, if you were watching it, yesterday. And you probably will never hear of him again, or recognize his name when you do. But he apparently thinks he is pretty damn special and couldn't fathom anyone not knowing him.

Well today the Olympic watching world does know him. Maybe not as much for what he'd like you to: winning the gold medal in the 5000 meter speed skating race (and setting a new Olympic record) but more for being a bit of a jacka**.

Yes, he accomplished something not many of us ever will. Pretty impressive, definitely worthy of recognition and a slap on the back. Does not make one worthy of being an imbecile.

The characters: Sven Kramer-famous Dutch athlete, speed skater, douche. Unnamed US NBC reporter. Dutch bimbo reporter.

The story: Sven Kramer wins gold medal. US reporter interviews him immediately after. US reporter asks him to give his name, country and repeat what he just won. Sven has tantrum. "Are you stupid? Hell no, I'm not gonna do that." US reporter does not flinch but continues interview in professional way. Boy-child switches gears and puts on his charming face for the portion of the video he thinks will air. Later, boy-child gets interviewed by Dutch bimbo reporter, who tries to seduce boy-child w hearty laugh and a shake of her hair. Ends interview by giving him that knowing "it's us against them" look while attempting to play footsie under interview table.

I've been following comments on this story, many Dutch of course are soooo insulted and are having a field day getting a chance to insult Americans. Sorry to see a lot of Americans are agreeing too.

One such Dutch was saying "Furthermore, if you were a bit more educated you would know that Dutch people are blunt when need be, do not confuse that with arrogance, which is why after that outburst by Sven he could have carried on with the interview politely - no hard feelings."

Really. The rest of the world is supposed to be educated about one small countries' finicky character traits but Dutch "celebs" are not supposed to know about how the rest of the media world conducts an interview? Really?

I love how refusing to ID yourself because you think the whole world will now recognize you until the end of time does not make one arrogant. And blunt means what, that you can insult someone? I've had another Dutch person identify the Dutch personality as blunt. So yes, let's say this is true. But her description of blunt was more along the lines of: honest, straight forward. Could have been "ID myself? did you not just see me win the gold?"

Amateur much? Let me explain media to all those siding with this chump. Let me explain media to said chump. Anyone holding an interview, be it reporter or producer, will ask the subject to ID him or herself. It helps the producers, it helps the editors and it's an immediate fact check. I've seen/asked A-list celebs do it, brand name politicians do it, Hall of Famer's do it. They know.

It also gives the editors a chance to create a nice sound byte of interviewee, great for that persons PR. You know, those clips you see leading into a show or hear on the radio "I'm such and such and I just did such and such!"

Bravo to the US reporter for continuing on and not responding by putting him in his place. "Umm, oh, is this your first interview?! Awww" (that would have been me). Total professional. Of course she knew who he was, she's an NBC reporter. You don't get there by publishing an article in your school paper.

What gets me more is the smug looking Dutch reporter who interiews him about it later. (See clip link below). She is barely able to spit out her own question but then chuckles w her buddy Sven about those stupid Americans. Know much about your own profession babe? Too gaga over this much yonger than you jock to respect a colleague? Very sad to see, it gives women a bad name and just makes her look like a ditz.

Because you were embarrassed you now have to take it out on an "easy target", that it?

Right back at ya you two, Are you stupid?!


  1. Wow, wow, wow! What a douche... I'm totally in agreement with you. It is clear that this is a "behind the scenes" interviewer from NBC - not one of their sports commentators. She was getting his stats on tape before the interview so the production team could use it for titling.

    What a douche to think everyone should know who he is... heck, I can't name more than 1 American speedskater. I'm betting that 80% of the world can't name most of the Olympians.

  2. Oh gosh, now you've got me going on the YouTube comments page. I've posted about a dozen comments and replies so far.

  3. Oh dear, don't forget to enjoy the weekend too!

  4. So, should we be sad that Sven lost a Gold medal in the 15,000m last night due to a disqualification?
